Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Statistics Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Statistics Project - Research Paper Example So aaccording to given conditions we state that null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis will be There are various statistical packages designed to carry out quantitative data analysis, the most widely used package is SPSS. SPSS enables the researcher to input raw data modify or reorganize the data once inputted and then perform a wide selection of analytical techniques (Blaxter, Hughes & Tight 2001). The scales utilized within the test instruments will be designed to denote the use of detailed statistical algorithms on collected data. Preliminary data analysis will include descriptive statistics, which will encompass univariate analytic techniques such as means, modes and standard deviations, and exploratory descriptive statistics, which will ascertain if the data collected, is normally distributed. So the Pearson correlation (r) of popularity and math scores is equal to -0.368. So according to this small value of correlation coefficient we conclude that there is a week negative association between these variables. This may imply as popularity level increases, math test scores decreases and vice versa. We use correlation method to determine whether some variable that's not under our control is associated - correlated - with another variable of our interest. Correlational studies aim at identifying relationships between variables. So i Test Statistic By using formula t = , = = = -1.1194 Scatter Plot Critical Region: t 2.048 Do not reject Ho, because the calculated value is not fall in the critical region. Conclusion: Do not reject null hypothesis so we conclude that there is no significant linear association/relationship between level of popularity and math test score. So in the relationship between children's level of popularity with their peers and their performance in academic tests they respond that there is no significant relationship between these popularity level and their maths scores. Descriptive Statistics The Descriptive procedure displays univariate summary statistics for several variables in a single table and calculates standardized values (z scores). Variables can be ordered by the size of their means (in ascending or descending order), alphabetically, or by the order in which we select the variables. Simple it is a useful procedure for obtaining summary comparisons of

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