Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Music of Schoenberg and Debussy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Music of Schoenberg and Debussy - Research Paper Example The third period was marked by his invention of â€Å"twelve-tone† method of composition. It is often claimed that musical pieces of this composer reflect the characteristics of Brahms and Wagner. On the one hand, the directions of musical developments of these two opposing composers cannot be compared, but on the other hand, Schoenberg succeeded in uniting them into one perfect conglomerate. A selected piece of music composed by Schoenberg is Op. 08, where he accelerates and escapes from traditional Wagnerian tones. A principle of linear time is reflected in a direct motion in music. The principles of tonality were very important for the musical pieces of 20th century and compositions of Schoenberg follow those tendencies as well. Historical context of this composition plays a very important role for further discussion. This piece of music is thought to be finished in 1909 and he completed it in 2 weeks. That period was a crisis for the composer and these feelings and emotion s are evidently reflected in his music. The record Erwartung 6 lieder Op. 08 is believed to be a new stage for musical development of the composer, when he exceeded the limits of Romanticism and German culture (Evans, 2001). This piece of music is distinguished by depth of expression, easy comprehension and distinction, though it was often argued by critics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The name of its piece of music is Erwartung or Expectation. It is a story about a woman, who is waiting for her lover, but then finds his body dead. The beginning and the end of the composition are calm ones, but in the middle of this piece of music are essential ascents. Therefore, these characteristics can be considered as belonging to non-conventional music. The composer’s personality was unconventional at that time as well, because Hitler did not like him because of his Jewish nationality. His musical pieces were full of subjectivity and unconscious. The implementation of atonal dissonance did not reflect the main characteristics of Romanticism. It was beyond harmony and it was something new and unique (McKay, 1987). Schoenberg was looking for the ways of new developments and he wanted a new field for his self-expression. A language of dodecaphony was invented by this composer. This language of music can be described in the following way: sounds, like words can be either expressed or not. They can become cultural symbols for expressions and reflections of a given individuality of a composer. This is the specific context of dodecaphonic musical expression. Lauro Machado Coelho claimed that Schoenberg managed to open new ways for musical aesthetics’ reflection. The composer did not intend to position his music as a revolutionary one. Schoenberg made an emphasis on creativity and imagination, that is why during 19071908 he refused from the concept of tonality and rushed into expressionism. This piece of music, â€Å"Erwartung† is a bright exampl e of this tendency. Nevertheless, there is a huge psychological impact exerted on it, because it was written during a period, when Mathilde, a wife of Schoenberg, left him and had an affair with Richard Gerstl, who killed himself after Mathilde’

Monday, October 28, 2019

Virtue Ethics Essay Example for Free

Virtue Ethics Essay Virtue ethics is a moral philosophy that encompasses morality, defined by values which are identified and classified by a range of character traits. Aristotle is the founding father of most virtue ethics theories, while some versions have incorporated Plato, Kant and Hume their contributions to the theory of virtue ethics is less emphasized (Athanassouulis, 2006). Virtue theory is often thought of as a dynamic theory of how to conduct business activities (Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell, 2008, p. 157). Virtues are acquired character traits that help people fit into society. Acquiring virtuous qualities is necessary to achieve success. According to Grenz Smith (2003): Virtue ethics is defined as an, inner disposition to perform morally right acts of a certain kind; the tendency to act rightly by habit in a particular manner; a character trait that is deemed morally praiseworthy. The virtues have also been understood to be those qualities of character that make a person morally successful. Ethicists in both the Greek and Christian moral traditions have sought to determine what traits are virtues. Recent years have witnessed a renewed interest in virtues, especially with the renaissance in virtue ethics or the ethic of being (p. 125). Other definitions of virtue ethics have been described as positive traits which promote health, harmony, and balance (Engel, 2000). A virtue is an acquired quality of character that allows one to achieve personal happiness. Velasquez, Shanks, Andre and Meyer (1988) illustrated that a person that has developed the virtue of generosity is often referred to as a generous person because he or she tends to be generous in all circumstances (no page). Velasquez, Shanks, Andre, and Meyer’s interpretation of virtue ethics reinforces Aristotle’s earlier theory that once virtuosity is acquired it is maintained by repetition (1988, no page). People are by nature creatures of habit. Therefore, in order to become virtuous it is necessary to repeat virtuous acts so those acts become habits. The opposite of virtues are vices, which are negative traits that detract from health, harmony and balance. According to Engel (2000) a â€Å"vice is an unbalanced virtue which needs to be brought back to center† (no page). A vice can either be a lack of effort or an act of self indulgence. Vices are caused by impulses which are not regulated by virtues and many times the individual is unaware of their emotions (Engel, 2000, no page). Virtues and vices must work together and balance out. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being extreme, a person who values the virtue of honesty and vows to always tell the truth no matter the circumstance or situation lacks harmony and balance. Honesty can be taken to an extreme 10 whereby one says everything from one’s mind without any consideration or using tact (Engel, 2000, no page). On the other hand one can be an extreme 1 where the individual does not ever tell the truth. It is important to understand that being an extreme 1 or 10 on any virtuous scale is not a good thing. Aristotle is the father of virtue ethics theories; he studied ethics in a broad sense. He defined virtues of character as dispositions to act in certain ways in response to similar situations (Engel, 2000, no page). Based on Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, things of any variety have a characteristic function that they are properly used to perform (Kemerling, 1997). The good for human beings must involve the entire proper function of human life as a whole (Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 350 B. C. ). Aristotle also gave consideration to the aspects of human nature involved in acting and accepting moral responsibility. Aristotle’s philosophy of virtue ethics emphasizes that acting virtuous is a habit not an act. â€Å"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit† (Landauer Rowlands, 2001). For example, individuals that consistently practice the virtue of being fair will continuously expound their knowledge of fairness in every aspect of life. Blackburn (2001) pointed out that Aristotle emphasized becoming virtuous requires education and practice (p. 113). Moral character must be taught and instilled gradually. Aristotle’s theory of virtue applies accordingly to today’s business activities by implying to be virtuous requires extreme repetition, dedication and understanding of morality. Morality is a major component of virtue ethics. Grenz Smith defined morality as, â€Å"Determining what is believed to be right and good, then living out those beliefs† (2003, p. 77). The word ethics has often been used as a synonym for morality (Frankena, 1980, p. 3). According to Frankena, conceptual thinking and analysis seek to clarify moral concepts like virtue to elucidate the logic of moral reasoning (1980, p.4). Morality has been referred to as an action guide or standard of conduct. What Makes Us Moral? Authored by Levy (2004) described â€Å"morality as a system of prescriptions that are held to be conditionally binding upon all rational agents† (p. 41). Most often morality is deemed as a type of character formation which determines how people should act and shape their lives (Frankena, 1980, p19). Essentially morality has been linked synonymously with moral judgment. Hollinger referred to moral judgment as a behavior in which people have a sense of oughtness and obligation (2002, p. 13). Moral judgment involves those decisions in particular situations where one choice may be better or worse than another. According to Cothran (2006), determining what is moral or immoral comes from either the understanding of new information or the application of information (p. 34). It is out of a sense of obligation, and knowing right from wrong that has caused people to debate the morality of an issue. Halberstam (1993) proposed that there are three basic confusions about moral judgment (p. 146). First, morality is not a matter of taste. Second, moral judgments are not social judgments. Lastly, being moral does not equate to acting legally. How people choose to deal with issues tells the world who they are. How do you make a moral decision? You can flip a coin. You can roll dice. Usually people go with their gut instincts. Moral reflection is essentially self actualization which compels people to analyze their decisions. Typically people debate about social issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and everyday personal concerns. These issues are moral judgments not a matter of taste or preference. Americans have enacted laws based on moral concerns not matters of taste. Moral issues are routinely taken to Congress in order to enact laws concerning American citizens. Halberstam (1993) stated, â€Å"If moral views were arbitrary inclinations, we wouldn’t bother trying to get others to see our way† (p. 147). Many people confuse moral judgments with social judgments. Halberstam (1993) researched Southeast Asians cuisine and found many Asians consider monkey brains to be a delicacy (p. 148). Asians frequently dine on monkey brains, which most Americans would find repulsive. However, consumption of monkey brains is no more a moral repulsion than consumption of fried chickens. The issue of whether or not to dine on monkey brains would usually be considered a social judgment not a moral judgment (Halberstam, 1993, p. 148). However, if a particular culture worshiped monkeys then the issue could be considered a moral judgment. Moral judgments, unlike matters of taste are supported by reason (Halberstam, 2003, p. 147). People are allowed to prefer a certain food over another, the same as they are allowed to prefer wearing clothes made by a particular designer over another. An example of moral judgment would be presented if a designer employed children in sweatshops to make his or her clothes. The buyer would then have the burden of deciding whether it is morally correct to continue to purchase the designer’s clothing. The buyer’s decision would be based on his or her moral beliefs. Moral beliefs are inner beliefs that ultimately guide outward actions. Morality isn’t a matter of personal taste or social standards. It really isn’t a matter of the law, either. Morality and the law are often connected. Fried (1978) pointed out in Right and Wrong, â€Å"Rights are to be used, and there are moral judgments to be made, judgments of the good and bad, better and worse, regarding the enjoyment of these rights† (p. 171). For example some comedians tell sexist and ethnic jokes. Legally the comedian has a right to free speech, however those jokes may be considered morally offensive. In most societies people want the law to reflect morality, but there is a fine line between the two. Lying is morally wrong, but unless you lie on a witness stand it’s not illegal (Halbestam, 2003, p. 151). Therefore most people haven chosen not to make being a liar an illegal act; only to question the morality and character of people that lie. Cohen (2002) stated, â€Å"Most of the world’s misery can be traced back to a lack of virtue† (p. 21). The main virtues that support business transactions are: integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and moral leadership (Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell, 2008, p. 157). Lack of any of the previously mentioned virtues can severely hinder and harm a business. According to Lewis (1991) in A Question of Vales: Six Ways We Make The Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives, virtuosity has been closely linked to emotion, â€Å"Although we do not usually associate feeling with thinking or judging we actually judge through our emotions all the time† (p. 10). Being honest and truthful has been found to be the most emotionally challenged and judged virtue. Integrity incorporates a broad range of ethical characteristics. Plante (2004) defined integrity as â€Å"following high standards of honesty, justice, and fairness; having completeness or wholeness† (p. 40). You could say that to maintain integrity is to avoid situations that violate your sense of completeness or wholeness. Here’s an example to illustrate the principle of integrity. You are a lawyer with a firm and you are propositioned by a client to do legal work outside of the firm. You feel this opportunity may help you advance in your career. Also the likelihood of anyone finding out about this business transaction is unlikely. If you were a person of integrity what would you do? I you value the virtue of integrity you would likely decline the offer, due to your loyalty and commitment to the firm. Individuals that value integrity usually value honesty as well. On the other hand individuals that have not fully developed their sense of virtue emotionally agonize between being truthful and being dishonest. Grenz Smith (2003) defined honesty as â€Å"being devoted to the truth and truthfulness: (p. 53). As a virtue honesty gives rise both to pursing the truth and being truthful (Grenz Smith, 2003, p.54). Even in difficult situations a truly virtuous person will always be honest. Trust is a virtue defined as a â€Å"predisposition to place confidence in the behavior of others while taking the risk that the expected behavior will not be performed â€Å"(Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell, 2008, p. 158). Businesses that posse the virtue of trust eliminate the need for excessive monitoring and precise contracts and agreements (Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell, 2008, p. 158). Businesses that have complete trust convey reliability and integrity to their consumers and counterparts. Fairness is a virtue that focuses on the disposition to deal equitably with the perceived injustices of others (Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell, 2008, p. 158). According to Grenz Smith (2003) fairness is a principle of justice that asserts that all persons in a particular group ought contribute to and share in the benefits that accrue to the group in a manner that is equitable when measured according to an assumed or agreed standard. Fairness often relates to doing the right thing in any given situation. In sales and marketing environments associates often have collective team and individual objectives or sales goals to meet monthly. In order to make the sales objectives fair, upper management assess multiple components, such as the number of sales associates on a team and the amount of sales experience of each individual. It would be unfair for an associate with one month of experience to have the same goals as an associate with one year of service. It would also be unfair for a team of 6 members to have the same sales goals as a team with 10 members. The team would be at a disadvantage either by lack of experience or the number of sales agents. Moral leadership is a virtue that encompasses strength of character, peace of mind heart, and happiness in life. Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell (2008) have found â€Å"moral leadership to be a character trait of leaders who follow a consistent pattern of behavior based on virtues† (p. 158). A person that posses moral leadership will always rely on their virtues to guide them. Such an individual will remain consistent in the method in which they conduct business. Virtues are often called character traits. Character is defined as the various dimensions of personality either natural or acquired that distinguish one individual from another (Grenz Smith, 2003, p. 18). As an ethical term character refers to the traits of an individual that may be deemed morally blameworthy or praiseworthy. Character traits are usually used in a positive sense to refer to the possession of virtues. Individuals that posses character traits are considered to be as morally upright. Gier (2006) found virtue ethics to be internal and self regulating, thereby sustaining character traits as internal and self-regulating measures of standards (no page). It is important to understand that moral character develops over a period of time. People are born with all kinds of natural tendencies. Some of the tendencies will be positive such as kindness and some of the tendencies will be negative such as jealousy (Athanassoulis, 2006, no page). Natural tendencies can be encouraged and discouraged by leadership such as parent’s teachers and peers. Character development is shaped and molded through a long gradual process of moral education and habitation (Athanassoulis, 2006, no page). Moral education and development are a major part of virtue ethics. Cline suggested in Virtue Ethics: Morality and Character, that a person ask themselves four key questions: What sort of person do I want to be?; What virtues are characteristics of the person I want to be? ; What actions will cultivate the virtues I want to possess? : What actions will be characteristics of the sort of person I want to be? (n. d. , no page). Virtuous actions stem from some particular motivation, which implies correct moral decisions require correct moral motives. Greene (1994) pointed out Benjamin Franklin’s stance on the virtue of resolve in Ben’s Book of Virtues which stated, resolutions were meant to be kept and held sacred by resolving to do what you ought (p. 8). In other words, do without fail what you resolve to do (Greene, 1994, p. 8). Resolutions are usually inner promises people make to themselves to do or follow certain plans of action. Following through with resolutions builds trust and respect in the business world. Companies that fail to honor their resolutions become weak and undesirable to their colleagues and stakeholders. There can be a different set of virtues for almost every aspect of life, such as marriage, religion, and business. For example, with regards to marriage the virtues are trust, respect, love and fidelity. Many Christian’s hold their religious virtues as compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and above all love (Col 3:12). Most businesses set of virtues are trust, self-control, empathy, fairness, truthfulness, learning, gratitude, civility, and moral leadership (Ferrell, Fraedrich Ferrell, 2008, p. 158). Virtue ethics is a moral philosophy that has been proven to focus on one’s internal disposition of values and beliefs. According to Aristotle, virtues are developed through moral education which instills positive character traits by repetitive practicing of virtuous habits. Virtuous people posses balance and harmony between their virtues and vices. In conclusion virtue ethics is a dynamic theory of how to conduct business activities and ultimately life activities. Reference List Aristotle. c. 350 B. C. (1985). Nicomachean Ethics. Trans by Terence Irwin. Indianapolis. IN: Hackett. Athanassoulis, Nafsika. (2006). Virtue ethics. In The Internet Encyclopedia ofPhilosophy online. Retrieved July 26, 2008 from http://www. utm. edu/research/iep/v/virtue. htm Blackburn, Simon. (2001). Being good: A short introduction to ethics. New York, NewYork: Oxford University Press Inc. Cline, Austin. (n. d. ). Virtue ethics: Morality and character. Retrieved June 30, 2008,from http://atheism. about. com/od/ethicalsystems/a/virtueethics. htm Cohen, Randy. (2002). The good the bad the difference: How to tell right fromwrongin everyday situations. New York, NY: Doubleday. Cothran, Helen. (Eds) (2006). Ethics: Opposing viewpoints. Farmington Hills, MI:Greenhaven Press. Engel, Dawn. (2000). Virtues and vices. Retrieved July 26, 2008 fromhttp://www. philosophypages. com/hy/2s. htm Frankena, William. (1980). Thinking about morality. Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press. Ferrell, O. C. , Fraedrich, John, Ferrell, Linda. (2008). Individual factors: moralphilosophies and values. In, Business ethics: Ethical decision making and cases(7th ed. ). (P. 156-158) Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company. Fried, Charles. (1978). Right and wrong. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Gier, Nicholas f. (2006). Virtue ethics and character consequentialism. Retrieved fromhttp://www. class. uidaho. edu/ngier/introVE. htm Greene, Karen. (Eds) (1994). Ben’s book of virtues: Ben Franklin’s simple weekly planfor success and happiness. New Hope, PA: New Hope Press. Grenz, Stanley J. Smith, Jay T. (2003). Pocket dictionary of ethics: Over 300 terms ideas clearly defined. Downers Grove, IL: Inter Varsity Press. Halberstam, Joshua. (1993). Everyday ethics: Inspired solutions real -life dilemmas. New York, NY: Penguin Group. Hollinger, Dennis P. (2002) Choosing the good. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. Kemerling, Garth. Aristotle: Ethics and the virtues. (1997). Retrieved July 28, 2008 from http://www. philosophypages. com/hy/2s. htm Landauer, Jeff Rowlands, Joseph. (2001). Virtue. Retrieved June 30, 2008 fromhttp://wwww. importanceofphilosophy. com/Ethics_Virtue.html Levy, Neil. (2004). What makes us moral? Crossing the boundaries of biology. Oxford,England: Oneworld Publications Lewis, Hunter. (1991). A question of values: Six ways we make the personal choicesthat shape our lives. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers. Plante, Thomas G. PH. D. , ABPP. (2004). Do the right thing: Living ethically in anunethical world. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications Inc. Velasquez, Manuel Andre, Claire Shanks, Thomas Meyer, Michael. (1988). Ethics and virtue. Retrieved fromhttp://www. scu. edu/ethics/practicing/decision/ethicsandvirtue. html.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Amistad Essays -- essays research papers

Amistad I have watched the â€Å"Amistad† directed by Steven Spielberg, written by David Franzoni, presented by Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, Djimon Hounsou, Mathew McConaughey, David Paymer, Pete Postlethwaite, and Stellan Skarsgard. It was rented from Hollywood Video to complete the assignment. â€Å"Who we are, is who we were†, states attorney Baldwin, the persuading point reaching into the hearts of the jurors. Telling a story about the intriguing life and life lost of the Mende people. Their ending up in America and the tragedy and violent cruel torture they endured not only on ‘La Amistad†, but also the treatment they received here in America. Who were these people? Why was it such an issue on whose â€Å"property† they were? The time was around 1854, and the progression toward the Civil War had begun. Stephen Spielberg’s film â€Å"Amistad† is an illustrative tale of history inevitable course. On the surface, Spielberg relates the journey of Cinque’s and his people to the America. In a larger sense, however, he contrasts a story of passage to America with its simple values and way of life to the arrival of an even more savage life and ideas of the civilization from Africa, a story of greater historical significance. The characters are not extensively developed; instead, they are simply presented, even understated at a point. Spielberg’s intent is to draw vivid characterizations and to create objects and characters as symbols with larger meanings. Power and autho...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Inclusive Instructional Strategies & Accommodations Essay

Diana Pastora Carson is a special education teacher and founder of Ability Awareness in Action organization. She always had an interest in changing the lives of disabled people from pitiful life and exclusion to inclusion and life full of dignity and hope. The concern in Diana’s nature came from presence of a brother who was preserved from others as a disabled and dependent human being. Diana’s Brother, Joaquin, was diagnosed with Autism at an early age. While he was in school, he had been placed in an exclusive classroom for students with significant mental retardation. He was twice placed in a state institute due to misunderstanding of his character and his attempts to communicate with his services. Currently, Joaquin resides in a state institute, where he is ill, emotionally and physically, from being locked up in a building away from his friends and family. He expressed his feelings about living in such environment to his sister in a painful way as he once said: â€Å"Diana, people are so boring here†. His family has been trying to get him out of there as soon as possible. They have also taken his case to the court and are waiting for the final decision to be made. They want to get Joaquin out of there and bring him in a home of his own with people who love him instead of staying in that institute any longer. The training, titled ‘Inclusive Instructional Strategies and Accommodations’, is about including all children, whether they have a disability or not, in general education classrooms specifically, and in the community, generally. Everybody deserves to belong to and live in their communities. A teacher has an enormous role in making all students belong to that classroom through her knowledge about each and every student of his/hers, and through recognizing uniqueness in each one of them. This should make the teacher create a supportive environment that meets each student’s needs, and an atmosphere that promotes acceptance of differences and diversity, learning, hope, and collaboration. Moreover, the teacher is responsible for building a curriculum that meets each student’s level and accommodates tests and homework. A great teacher would avoid labels that discriminate individuals with disabilities to avoid lower expectations. Those labels may help professionals recognize what disabilities the students have, in order to provide them with services that meet their needs. However, people within the same label or disabilities may vary; therefore, we cannot always judge someone based on the labels. Moreover, it is very unprofessional to address someone by his/her disabilities as no one likes to be looked at for something that they did not choose for his/her self and it may affect his/her self-confidence. Students’ dignity must be preserved by the teacher and whoever is around, for instance, peers, and family. Professionals working with disabled people should advocate the community about appreciation of diversity and encourage students to speak out their thoughts, make choices, and blend in the society. Most importantly, the teachers should listen to students attentively; look at their body language, written expressions, and vocalization for effective communication. During the training, many strategies and activities to develop a classroom community were shared by Diana, such as setting roles for the classroom, encouraging reading books that promote diversity and discussions, and different cooperative games. Diana also explained how a customized lesson should be designed as a teacher must know her/his students in order to alter lessons based on each student’s needs. Teachers should also know how to model, guide, and measure students’ independent achievements through knowledge of students’ strengths and limitations. Diana enlightened the importance of giving students’ time to process new information, retrieve old information, and speak out their answers. It is very important to break the lesson into smaller parts along with asking questions in between to check students’ comprehension and to encourage discussions about the lesson. It is very essential to bring movement and interaction into the curriculum, serve the different types of intelligences and most importantly honor every student for who he/she is and be aware of the impact teaching will have on his/her future life. Furthermore, visual aids can assist students in organizing their thoughts, memorizing them, and make learning more enjoyable and personal to them. Finally, commitment to learning, inclusion of all children, and building a quality future for each child is a must step for developing a loving community where everyone belongs. By having a brother with a disability, whose community isolated him from others by not providing him with education programs that serves his needs, making public places inaccessible for him, and not advocating the public about disabilities, Diana has learned to honor diversity and anyone who is working towards treating people with disabilities with dignity and respect. It has encouraged her to change the lives of those who are different from normal people, whether with a disability or not. It has motivated her to include all of them in a classroom that promotes collaboration, understanding, and hope. Furthermore, it has opened her eyes to the importance of advocating the society about disabilities and their inclusion, to change the image and future of the disabled in the community.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

My perception on Knowledge, Belief and Evidence

If I am asked, â€Å"What besides the true belief do you need in order to have knowledge?† I would answer that in order to have knowledge I need good reasons besides true belief. Those reasons should be able to provide enough evidences that would put the belief beyond any reasonable doubt and should be aligned to the capacity of my senses. Thus, in my idea, I can have knowledge only when it becomes a ‘properly grounded, true belief'. When a question like â€Å"When do you have good reason for doubting that a proposition is true?† arises, I would answer that I could have good reason for doubting a proposition to be true, when I would have justifiable evidence challenging that proposition, to the extent of providing good reasons for not believing the proposition in question. In my view, a proposition should not have any equally potent counterpoints (i.e., credible and aligned to my senses) towards establishing its truth. And if some asks me, â€Å"Is faith a source of knowledge?† My answer will be, â€Å"No, Faith is not a source of knowledge to me. It is a choice of belief without any reasoning supported by evidence. It cannot be the source of knowledge, because I cannot make something true by believing it to be true. At best, Faith is something that I can induce onto someone under the parameters of human behavior to get a desired result – which, again, is dependent on belief backed by reasoning enriched with evidence.† Ends

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Arent Animals Victims Too Professor Ramos Blog

Arent Animals Victims Too Aren’t Animals Victims Too?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When you hear the word victim who do you automatically think of? These days normally some of the first things that come to mind are the children and teachers in the latest school shooting or the woman in the film industry that finally came forward about the sexual abuse she endured a few years back. But do you ever think about animals as victims? Animals have become the forgotten victims of today’s society. What have they done to deserve this? The answer is absolutely nothing. It is impossible to have exact numbers of how many animal abuse cases there are because there are so many different fields of animal cruelty such as hoarding, bestiality, starvation, kicking, striking, etc. Animal abuse is generally defined as intentional behavior that causes pain, suffering or death of an animal (Ascione Shapiro, 570); bestiality and negligence are usually included. When animal cruelty is brought to public attention, people search for the best options to deal with such events. Tips on recognition of animal cruelty can be easily found with a quick online search. Additionally, legislation criminalizing this behavior already exists on a state by state basis, but these do nothing to prevent the problem. Early detection and treatment for those who are inclined toward these actions of animal abuse should be the first step. Since late 19th century every state has added to its own anti-cruelty statute. Most states rely on the same concept of animal cruelty in current legislation, more commonly human actions that inflict pain or suffering on any non-human animal. Each state’s anti-cruelty law has different definitions of â€Å"animal† adopted in their laws. For example, California’s anti- cruelty law states that its requirements apply to â€Å"any mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian or fish† (California Penal Code 2014). As a result, any violation of this law allows for a misdemeanor or felony charge with or without a fine up to $20,000. More than 50% of state statues also include in anti-cruelty legislation a requirement for counseling as part of sentencing; the convicted party is responsible for the costs of such therapies. While legislation is vital and necessary for the criminalizing of animal abuse, laws do nothing to prevent this behavior. Only recently has there been scientific study of animal abuse by people, beginning in the 1970s. The psychiatric community has been researching animal cruelty as a predictor of future human aggression and impersonal violence. Since that time studies have been conducted suggesting that childhood animal cruelty predicts future interpersonal violence (Holoyda and Newman 134). In 2000, animal abuse became a sign of conduct disorder according to the American Psychiatric Association. This information then led to studies in youths as a subtype of conduct disorder. Behavior of those with conduct disorder also often includes setting fires, bullying, and forced sex (Ascione and Shapiro 573). Conduct disorder is defined as children or adolescents that have a range of antisocial behavior. It has been shown that children diagnosed with conduct disorder often have a history of abuse.   Physically and sexually abused children are more likely to become abusers of animals themselves (Boat et al. 813). Children known to have conduct disorder are twice as likely to have been sexually abused themselves; this relationship is consistent and documented (Boat et al. 817). Children with conduct disorders are not the only individuals that show abusive behaviors. Conduct disorder is recognized as a prerequisite for the diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) in adults; Gleyzer et al discuss a significant relationship in the article Animal Cruelty and Psychiatric Disorders (260).   Reef et al also discuss conduct disorders, noting that conduct problems are predictive of future disruptive disorders for up to 24 years (1121). Predictive behaviors linked to animal cruelty and a pattern of events that can lead to conduct disorders make recognition of high risk individuals easily accomplished. If the potential for animal cruelty is identified, there are services already available that could serve as a framework for prevention strategies. Programs currently available are designed to work with at risk youth that vary in intensity and duration. Examples of these programs include: Forget-Me-not farm provides an after school program specifically for at risk children and families in violent communities, were participants are taught the responsible care of animals (Ascione and Shapiro 580). PAL (People and Animals Learning) is a day camp for at risk youth that allows youth to gain life experience while working in animal shelters and wildlife rehabilitation centers (Ascione and Shapiro 580). Project Second Chance teaches compassion, gentleness and accountability by pairing adolescents with shelter dogs, while also fostering healthy social interaction. An increase in higher adoption rates was also seen (Ascione and Shapiro 580). Anicare and Anicare Child are outpatient programs aimed at families already identified with having a history of animal abuse. These families do not include those who have already been diagnosed with major psychotic disorders and offer cognitive and behavioral therapies; children are better able to empathize with animals and create health attachments (Ascione and Shapiro 582). Green Chimneys is a live in program for disturbed children that include those who abuse animals. Children live at a working farm for a period of time; individual and group therapies are offered in addition to other activities (Ascione and Shapiro 582). Many of these types of programs are products of networks established with various human service, criminal justice, educational, and humane societies and shelters (Ascione and Shapiro 580).   Even with programs like these, and with the availability of mental healthcare, only approximately 50% of children and adolescents with mental disorders will get treatment.   Although conduct disorders represent only 2.1 percent of disorders overall, this shows a significant lack of treatment that could serve as prevention toward animal cruelty as a whole. To break the cycle of animal directed violence and impact the prevention of animal cruelty it is important to address the complex nature of abusive home environments where cruelty to animals is occurring. These events are often predicated by various types of abuse in future offenders, and recognition of abuse in children and of other key behaviors by these children is vital to prevent future animal cruelty. While society is primed act on behalf of abused animals with legalistic activity, very little has been accomplished to truly address the problem. Ascione, Frank R. and Kenneth Shapiro. People and Animals, Kindness and Cruelty: Research Directions and Policy Implications.  Journal of Social Issues, vol. 65, no. 3, Sept. 2009, pp. 569-587. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.2009.01614.x. This article â€Å"People and Animals, Kindness and Cruelty: Research Directions and Policy Implications† gives many examples in ways to prevent childhood conduct disorders and as a symptom of that animal cruelty. Examples include education, at-risk populations, and intervention and treatment; terms and definitions are provided. This article provides the framework for my purposed solution/prevention of animal cruelty.   This is a scholarly published literature review that provides expert conclusions. Boat, Barbara W., et al. Childhood Cruelty to Animals: Psychiatric and Demographic Correlates.  Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment Trauma, vol. 20, no. 7, Oct. 2011, pp. 812-819. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/10926771.2011.610773. This article, â€Å"Childhood Cruelty to Animals: Psychiatric and Demographic Correlates.† focuses on the data that supports the correlation between animal cruelty and mental illness in children. The article finds that children who perpetrate cruelty to animals are at risk for further conduct- disordered behavior. I am using the data and paraphrasing some of the conclusions to support my argument. This source is credible because it is a retrospective study that is published in a scholarly journal. Gleyzer, Roman M.D., et al. Animal Cruelty and Psychiatric Disorders.  Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry the Law, vol. 30, no. 2, 2002, pp. 257-265. EBSCOhost, â€Å"Animal Cruelty and Psychiatric Disorders† is a retrospective study that examines psychiatric disorders and animal cruelty. Animal cruelty is one of several antisocial behaviors related to conduct disorders in childhood. I am using this article to support the argument that correlates animal cruelty and psychiatric disorders.   This source is credible because it is a retrospective study that is published in a scholarly journal. Holoyda, Brian J. and William J. Newman. Childhood Animal Cruelty, Bestiality, and the Link to Adult Interpersonal Violence.  International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, vol. 47, Jul-Aug, 2016, pp. 129-135. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.02.017. Review of this article provided information about the history of animal protection laws, current California law and the link to psychiatric interest into animal cruelty. Holoyda and Newman draw a link between childhood animal cruelty and future violence. I am using this article to support the need for prevention of childhood animal cruelty. This is a scholarly published article written by professors of psychiatry at UC Davis School of Medicine and Saint Louis University School of Medicine Merikangas, Kathleen Ries. â€Å"Prevelence and Treatment of Mental Disorders Among Us Children in the 2001-2004 NHANES.† Pediatrics,vol.125,no.1, 2010, pp. 75-81. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1542/peds.2008-2598. This cross sectional survey shows how many children got treatments for specific mental disorders. This is the first step in creating a national database for mental health in children and teenagers. I used it to show that children with conduct disorders are not getting the treatment that they need. This source is credible because it is a cross sectional survey conducted by mental health professionals, published in a scholarly journal, and referenced in the National Institute of Health. Reef, Joni, et al. Childrens Problems Predict Adults DSM-IV Disorders across 24 Years.  Journal of the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 49, no. 11, 01 Nov. 2010, pp. 1117-1124. EBSCOhost, Mood disorders are predicted by conduct problems in children. The same children are at high risk for DSM-IV diagnoses as adults. Disruptive disorders are predicted for up to 24 years. This will support my idea that identifying and treating conduct problems in children will help alleviate the issue of animal cruelty. This article was a research study by experts in child and adolescent psychiatry.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Best Of The Best Top Advice From 10 Marketing Experts

Best Of The Best Top Advice From 10 Marketing Experts Our favorite thing about hosting the Actionable Marketing Podcast is picking the brains of marketing heroes. So, we’re absolutely blown away by the amazing marketers we’ve gotten to learn from over the past two years. To our listeners, you’re the reason we do this. It’s all about bringing the best of the best to you. To celebrate the 100th episode of AMP, here are some of our favorite guests, takeaways, and thoughts from more than 60 hours of marketing gold! Some of the highlights of the show include: Janna Maron: No more frustration by banking content and scheduling it to auto publish; publish less, but at higher quality Michael Brenner: The most compelling way to guide everything you do as a marketer what’s in it for the customer, colleague, and company? Brian Clark: His biggest marketing mistake was the curse of knowledge a cognitive bias where you assume the audience knows certain things you know Noah Kagan: Helped Mint scale to its first 100,000 users in less than a year; what’s your goal and timeline? Andrea Fryrear: Marketers are asked to do new projects all the time, but prioritize and simplify backlog of projects to be successful; plan your work, work your plan Joanna Wiebe: Describes how to go deeper than Calls To Action and into Calls To Value; clearly articulate the ultra-specific value on the other side of a click Tim Soulo: You should write 2,000+ word articles to rank in search engines, but people don’t want to read they want answers to questions to solve problems Nir Eyal: Psychology of habit formation and how marketers can capitalize on it; every product you use is to modulate your mood and alleviate pain Jeff Goins: Four qualities in best-performing posts piece is well written, contains a compelling promise, keeps that promise, and wows reader with value Rand Fishkin: Remarkable customer research determines TRUE influencer status and who to partner with for co-promotion; share what audience values If you enjoy AMP, write a review on iTunes and send a screenshot of it to be entered into a drawing to win the 100th episode giveaway, which includes a $100 swag package, bundle of three marketing books, and $50 Amazon gift card! If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Links: How To Create A Bank Of Content (And Plan Ahead) With Janna Maron From Smart Passive Income 3 Questions To Guide Your Marketing Program With Michael Brenner From Marketing Insider Group Copyblogger’s Best Advice On How To Scale To 8 Figures With Brian Clark From Copyblogger How To Grow From 0 to 1 Million Customers With Noah Kagan From SumoMe and OkDork How To Use Agile Project Management To Organize Your Marketing With Andrea Fryrear From AgileSherpas How To Use Conversion Psychology To Get Better Results With Joanna Wiebe From Copyhackers How To Get Your Content To Rank #1 On Google With Tim Soulo Of Ahrefs How To Use The Psychology Of Habit Formation To Be A Better Marketer With Best-Selling Author Nir Eyal How To Use A Scorecard To Create More Effective Content With Jeff Goins From Goins, Writer How To Do Remarkable Customer Research With Rand Fishkin From SparkToro Quotes: â€Å"Imagine no more frustration. No more fire drills. And tons of opportunity to plan ahead and shift future projects around easily.† Janna Maron â€Å"What’s in it for the customer, the colleague, and the company can really get you to a point where you’re going to end up not doing things that don’t work and serve your customers.† Michael Brenner â€Å"You have to find a way to stand out. Theres more than just the amount of value in the content. Theres your voice, the way you connect with the audience, all of that is important.† Brian Clark â€Å"Really limiting our work and focusing in is the only way we’re gonna get to the point of doing really good, high-quality work that’s focused on the audience.† Andrea Fryrear â€Å"It’s not about length it’s about delivering the value and persuading the people that you can solve their problem in as less words as possible.† Tim Soulo

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Difference Between Transgender and Transsexual Women

The Difference Between Transgender and Transsexual Women Transgender and transsexual are commonly confused terms that both refer to gender identity. Transgender is a broader, more inclusive category that includes all individuals who do not identify with the gender that corresponds to the sex they were assigned at birth. Transsexual is a more narrow category that includes individuals who desire to physically transition to the sex that corresponds with the gender with which they identify. (Note that the word gender is usually used to refer to social and cultural roles, while sex refers to physical attributes.) All transsexual persons are transgender. However, not all transgender persons are transsexual. Transgender women are sometimes referred to as trans women. Some may also be known as male-to-female transsexuals, MTFs, transsexual women, transgirls, or tgirls.  The term transsexual  originated as a medical term  and is  sometimes considered pejorative. It is always best to ask a person which term is preferred. Transgender vs. Transsexual   Although they both refer to gender identity, transgender and transsexual are terms with distinct meanings. That they are often used interchangeably has led to some confusion. In most cases, a transgender woman is a woman who was designated (also commonly referred to as assigned) male at birth but who identifies as a woman. Some transgender women may use the term AMAB (assigned male at birth) in describing their identity. She may take steps to transition, but these steps do not necessarily involve surgery or physical alterations. She may dress as a woman, refer to herself as a woman, or use a feminine name. (Note that some trans men may use the term AFAB, or assigned female at birth.) Not all transgender persons, however, identify with the man/woman, masculine/feminine binary. Some identify as gender nonconforming, nonbinary, genderqueer, androgynous, or third gender. For this reason, it is important never to assume that a transgender person identifies with a particular gender nor to assume what pronouns a person uses. Transitioning A transsexual woman is one who desires to physically transition to the sex that corresponds with the gender with which she identifies. Transitioning often includes taking hormones to suppress the physical characteristics of her assigned gender. Many transsexual women in the U.S. take hormone supplements, which can promote breast growth, change vocal pitch, and contribute in other ways to a more traditionally feminine appearance.  A transsexual might  even undergo gender reassignment surgery (also referred to as gender confirmation surgery or gender affirming surgery), where the anatomical features of the gender and sex assigned at birth are physically altered or removed. Strictly speaking, theres no such thing as a sex change operation. A woman can elect to have cosmetic surgeries done to alter her physical appearance to match conventional norms associated with the gender with which she identifies, but anyone can have these procedures done, regardless of their gender identity. These surgeries are not limited to transsexual people. Gender Identity vs. Sexual Orientation Gender identity is often confused with sexual orientation. The latter, however, refers only to a persons enduring emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people and is not related to gender identity. A transgender woman, for example, may be attracted to women, men, both, or neither and this orientation has no bearing on her gender identity. She may identify as gay or lesbian, straight, bisexual, asexual, or may not name her orientation at all. Transgender vs. Transvestite Transgender women are  often incorrectly identified as transvestites. A transvestite, however, is an individual who wears clothing primarily associated with  the gender with whom he or she does not identify. A man may prefer to dress as a woman, but this does not make him transgender if he does not identify as a woman.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Letter to the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter to the King - Essay Example While attending the University of (), I was chosen as a Student Ambassador and carried out my duties effectively. I proceeded to post- graduate studies at Mitt Universitetet, where I received a Master Degree in Political Science. My Master’s thesis was focused on the political and economical impacts of the recent financial crisis on European Union countries. After graduation, I worked in the Department of Integration at the City of Sundsvall as a Project Manager on a six (6) month project co-financed by the European Union and the city. The objective of the project was to determine level to which immigrants have integrated into the Swedish society. The study primarily focused especially on Muslims immigrants. The project also sought ways and avenues to promote and encourage more immigrants to willingly integrate into their host societies. Whilst in Sweden, I have maintained good contacts in Morocco and in (name of city), the city where I live in Sweden. My experience coupled with my desire to serve my country is the reason why I contacted the Embassy of Kingdom of Morocco in Stockholm. As an active member of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, one of the most influential political organizations in Sweden, I am aware of the actions and unchecked determinations of a separatist group Polisario, which is very active in Sweden. It is no secret that Polisario and its members have canvassed and receive both financial and other forms of support from Swedes who sympathize with them. Polisario has convinced a majority of Swedes that their actions and agenda are for the benefit of the Moroccan people. In doing so, organizations like Polisario have succeeded in ‘branding’ the Kingdom of Morocco as not being a democratic and popular country, and in so damaged the reputation of Morocco. Your Majesty, it is my opinion that the Embassy of Morocco has not successfully articulated or defended your policies or Morocco’s reputation. As a direct

Describe the elements of the communication process and explain the Term Paper

Describe the elements of the communication process and explain the process of interpersonal communication. Discuss the Barriers - Term Paper Example As a sender, he can talk directly to the employees, or send an email requesting to have a meeting with them on a particular date. In this case, the perception of the receiver on the message sent influences the manner in which communication is interpreted, received and responded to. For that reason, the sender should be fully aware of the purpose of the communication and the receiver’s aptitude to decode and comprehend the message as far as interest and language is concerned (Hesse par 2). The Message Messages take various forms and can include signs, symbols or words. To avoid distortion, the sender must ensure that the message is simple and clear. Moreover, the receiver should take care of the body language such as facial expression if the message is to be communicated verbally. Finally, the sender must consider the abilities and the competence of the receiver, when creating a message, to reduce barriers that might hinder effective communication (Priya 5-6). For example, a ma nager who needs information from an employee on how to increase profits and heighten employee retention must ensure that he or she communicates in a language that the worker understands. Additionally, he must make sure that the employee is competent enough in that area; hence, the ideas given are credible enough to be taken into consideration. The Channel Priya (5) assert that the channels of communication play an imperative role in communication; hence, senders should select an appropriate channel or medium of communication to ensure that the message is not distorted. Examples of channels of communication are e-mail, phones, radio, television and internet among others. If an advertiser decides to place an advert in the radio or television, for instance, he should consider the audience or the people who will listen or see the advert. In that case, he must ensure that the intended people get to listen to the advert, and that the right language is used to avoid misinterpretation. It i s essential for businesses to choose when and how they will send their messages. A building society can, for example, only send messages about a new product to their members by email or text if that is the agreed channel of communication. It should be understood that sending of messages through the internet to persons who cannot receive an email results to miscommunication. Receiver The receiver or the decoder is the person who is responsible for decoding or extracting the meaning from the message conveyed. He or she ensures that a feedback is sent to the sender, and his work is mainly to interpret the message. In that case, for the message to be effectively understood and right feedback given, the receiver should be able to read and understand what has been written down. If not, this may lead to distortion of the message by the decoder, and an equally wrong feedback (Priya 5-6). Feedback Feedback is the most vital element in the communication process as it helps in determining whet her the receiver grasped the intended meaning. Without a feedback, the communication process remains incomplete. For instance, when one sends a short message through the phone to a friend and fails to get a feedback, it is likely that the intended recipient did not get the message, or did not understand it. In that case, the language used is imperative and both parties should communicate in a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Liability for nurses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Liability for nurses - Essay Example of performing a task and does not necessarily have to include accountability or liability in it; in addition, responsibility can be delegated while accountability and liability cannot be delegated (Cornock, 2011) Advancement of technology in the provision of health care to the patient is very vital in obtaining a quick and optimum treatment. However, the equipments if not used properly by nurses can lead to litigation issues in court. Some equipment usually stores the patient’s data and information, which should be confidential and private (Kim, Kim, & Lee, 2010). If a nurse forgets to store those data or information correctly can make other people access them and make them go public. This will result in a breach of patient privacy thus making the nurse liable for his/her action. According to Guido (2013), nurses need to be very vigilant while executing their duties to a void breach of ethical issues related to patient care. Advanced specialised care can make a nurse become liable for some of the action she/he takes the care. For example, when a nurse offers care that are beyond his/her scope as well as using equipments that he/she is not well oriented with can lead with, can lead to maim or permanent death. The nurse will be accountable for the action and risk being jailed. To promote quality health care amidst technological advances, a nurse should always be a Brest with the latest technology in use. The nurse should know its merits and demerits as well as attending a seminar to be taught on how to use the machine without infringing the patient’s rights. The nurse should read all the instructions and cautions before using a machine. In addition, nurses should work within their scope of work on what he/she was trained at, and document all the actions done while offering the service (Weinstein, 2009). If these are adhered to then nurses will utilise technology and avert litigations (Guido,

A Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Midsummer Nights Dream - Essay Example The work was not the most imaginative recreation of the play, but it provided a clear representation with engaging actors who allowed their characters to come through. The costumes provided a feel for the time period in which the play was set and the setting was creatively constructed, allowing for all of the elements of the play to have space in which to play out their roles within the story. The way in which the play was lit added a dimension to the overall production. As always, the text of William Shakespeare created a work in which the actors could suspend the disbelief of the audience and create a production that was magical, while full of beautiful commentary on the human condition. The play A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare, is a tale of comic twists, the story of young love in which the fae come to play their part by interfering in the lives of humans, twisting their desires to suit their own needs. The director, Kent Thomas, took a cold February day in Denver and transformed it to a warm summer evening. The play was developed around a classic setting with costuming that suggested Napoleonic France. The director situated the actors through their body language well within that time period, the production unified through ideals that created an atmosphere. The actores expressed this unified setting as they engaged more formally with one another, different than if it had been set in a lesser socio-economic surroundings. The characters seemed to be young aristocrats, their socio-economic status clear through their positioning on the stage. The work of the actors was well accomplished, the role of Hermia, played by Caitlin Wise standing out through her execution and presence. Something about her was engaging with the audience that placed focus on her when appropriate. At a moment when she was expressing a comedic frustration, her expressions were very readable, her projection of her voice filling the hall and focusing the audience on he r plight. Likewise, Helena Pistorius as Helena created a very believable character, her voice having a resonance that created a reality within her performance. As she developed her position within the play, she created empathy from the audience in a way that was unique to the role. Lawrence Hecht as bottom created a performance that made the audience laugh as it should, his portrayal with the donkey’s head unique in the way in which he expressed his role as the great queen Tatiana fell in love with him. However, it is the performance by Michael Wartella as Puck that still has me remembering the wonder of the play. He was clever, yet innocent, mischievous, but not evil as he comes across as a delightful fae whose only desire is to create trouble within both the human and fairy worlds. The way in which he expressed the character was not through evil, but through a feeling of joy in the accomplishment of his twisted sense of humor. His little devilries were executed with a belie vability that surpassed the breach of his true self, allowing his characterization to fully blossom and the audience to believe that he was not human, but a transcended being with the ability to muddle in the affairs of the heart. The costuming of the work was some of the most imaginative I have had the privilege to witness. The pieces broke through the time-period from which the play originated, adopting a Napoleonic point of view. The pieces were editorially reflective of the costumes of France during that time period, the dresses reflecting the empire waistlines that Josephine had favored. Therefore, the time period was set in the late 18th, early 19th century, the human characters reflecting this aesthetic. The costuming created a formal mood, the aristocratic air helping to set the socio-economic st

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What Impact Have Successful Women Made In The U.S. Hospitality Thesis

What Impact Have Successful Women Made In The U.S. Hospitality Industry As Leaders - Thesis Example Due to its unique nature of activities and the high customer interaction, the expectations from the employees are very different from other industries. This in turn imposes different demands on the leaders and managers. Before proceeding ahead, it is very important to understand the concept of leadership and leadership styles practiced by the managers and supervisors. Leadership in very simple words is the act or process of influencing others to behave in particular ways that would enable them to achieve their common goals. A very important fact to notice here is that leadership is not restricted to the top level management, a leader can be found in any place of the organization. Leaders have many responsibilities ranging from arranging the work environment to removing obstacles in the way of success. This also includes support and guidance for the followers. They may use power or persuasion to achieve these tasks. This essay will start with a discussion of the increasing role of fem ales in this industry, followed by an analysis of the hospitality industry and the upcoming challenges. Further, we will highlight the practices, styles and aspects of leadership with their application to the hospitality industry. This will include a thorough analysis of the different theories of leadership. In the end, a conclusive statement will reinforce the findings of this work (Ryan, 2009). Increasing Role of the Females At present, even in the developed part of the world, the women are underrepresented in the management position and their leadership initiatives are not taken seriously by their male counterparts. However, as the time is passing by, the importance of leadership characteristics, more common in females are being appreciated and this makes them more suitable for leadership positions in certain industries. Hospitality is one of these industries and this has resulted in this sector witnessing a tremendous change as more and more women graduate with diplomas and degr ees in hotel management and join the workforce. This fact clarifies the concept that though both the genders despite having many similarities in their leadership style have certain subtle differences that have high degree impact. These differences are usually due to the inbuilt nature of both the genders. A very simple example of this fact is that women desire clear and open communication which leaves no space for confusion. They are therefore, known to prefer contingent reward leadership style. Contemporary Challenge One of the major most challenges of the hospitality industry at present is that of providing consistent services. Although many of them have a standard procedure for the recruitment of their staff, inconsistency in the quality of front line employees exists. The right form of leadership at the right place can help reduce this problem to a great extent. Importance of a Correct Leadership Approach Other then improving the service quality another important aspect of corre ct leadership is based on the popular saying that states that â€Å"people do not leave their jobs, they leave their managers†. This shows the importance of the role of leadership. A huge amount of money is spent on the recruitment and training of individual. According to one source on an annual basis it is up to ?866 million alone in the hospitality industry. Therefore, it is very important to control the turnover rate in order to secure the company against any negative, financial consequences. Here, another point to highlight is that, correct leadership is required at all levels of an organization and not just the top level. A generalization indicates that there are three major levels at which it is crucial. These

Case #5 AP Courses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case #5 AP Courses - Essay Example The scale of marking is quite simple. Each exam would be marked out of 5 with 3 being the lowest to crawl into some universities and a score of 4 or 5 being acceptable to the majority. With me being the leader and school counselor, and the one to make or break their 'dreams', the whole responsibility rests on my shoulders. To start off, the first question which would pop into my head would be: 'exactly how much did these students score' Since the most common score of acceptance is 4 out of 5, it's a necessary question to know how that by how much they are lagging behind. It is also the reason that I will assume here that my institution accepts a 4 out of 5 score for passing. Now, the most important fact to take into consideration is this; these students have consistently been on the honor roll throughout their academic careers. This proves that they are hard working and dedicated students keen upon learning. This also makes the case tilt towards their side of the argument because I should not make a decision which will seem unfair to them, in which case there might be serious consequences like they might get highly de-motivated and stop studying altogether.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What Impact Have Successful Women Made In The U.S. Hospitality Thesis

What Impact Have Successful Women Made In The U.S. Hospitality Industry As Leaders - Thesis Example Due to its unique nature of activities and the high customer interaction, the expectations from the employees are very different from other industries. This in turn imposes different demands on the leaders and managers. Before proceeding ahead, it is very important to understand the concept of leadership and leadership styles practiced by the managers and supervisors. Leadership in very simple words is the act or process of influencing others to behave in particular ways that would enable them to achieve their common goals. A very important fact to notice here is that leadership is not restricted to the top level management, a leader can be found in any place of the organization. Leaders have many responsibilities ranging from arranging the work environment to removing obstacles in the way of success. This also includes support and guidance for the followers. They may use power or persuasion to achieve these tasks. This essay will start with a discussion of the increasing role of fem ales in this industry, followed by an analysis of the hospitality industry and the upcoming challenges. Further, we will highlight the practices, styles and aspects of leadership with their application to the hospitality industry. This will include a thorough analysis of the different theories of leadership. In the end, a conclusive statement will reinforce the findings of this work (Ryan, 2009). Increasing Role of the Females At present, even in the developed part of the world, the women are underrepresented in the management position and their leadership initiatives are not taken seriously by their male counterparts. However, as the time is passing by, the importance of leadership characteristics, more common in females are being appreciated and this makes them more suitable for leadership positions in certain industries. Hospitality is one of these industries and this has resulted in this sector witnessing a tremendous change as more and more women graduate with diplomas and degr ees in hotel management and join the workforce. This fact clarifies the concept that though both the genders despite having many similarities in their leadership style have certain subtle differences that have high degree impact. These differences are usually due to the inbuilt nature of both the genders. A very simple example of this fact is that women desire clear and open communication which leaves no space for confusion. They are therefore, known to prefer contingent reward leadership style. Contemporary Challenge One of the major most challenges of the hospitality industry at present is that of providing consistent services. Although many of them have a standard procedure for the recruitment of their staff, inconsistency in the quality of front line employees exists. The right form of leadership at the right place can help reduce this problem to a great extent. Importance of a Correct Leadership Approach Other then improving the service quality another important aspect of corre ct leadership is based on the popular saying that states that â€Å"people do not leave their jobs, they leave their managers†. This shows the importance of the role of leadership. A huge amount of money is spent on the recruitment and training of individual. According to one source on an annual basis it is up to ?866 million alone in the hospitality industry. Therefore, it is very important to control the turnover rate in order to secure the company against any negative, financial consequences. Here, another point to highlight is that, correct leadership is required at all levels of an organization and not just the top level. A generalization indicates that there are three major levels at which it is crucial. These

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Applying Organizational Theory with Communications Essay

Applying Organizational Theory with Communications - Essay Example The marketing will be difficult; she thinks internet can be used for this purpose. Randy Miles, a board member, totally disagrees with this solution. He suggests cutbacks; even that is not a good practice. Since so much hiring have been done in few years, there was a long debate between two of them. Voting was done and members preferred Elizabeth decision. The theory of group think is a key point to resolve many conflicts. There are many alternate decisions but businesses need a perfect one which is preferred by everyone. The preference can be given with the help of voting. After choosing the selected path to follow the issues still reside. Everyone does not agree with the single decision to same degree. Different suggestions can create conflicting situation. Risk factor is also important which is associated with every decision. Such situation must be handled with care and proper justification. Everyone who is representing an idea must give satisfactory justification and possible solution as well as providing a strategy that how to implement such solution. List of resources required and the budget requirement must be realistic. Unity and agreement to go ahead with a particular decision must be the first priority. Now consider the given scenario. Like in the case of Elizabeth and Randy Miles; when Randy Miles came to know that his suggestion is no longer accepted, he leaves the room. This is first stage of conflict. The solution of this is to give proper justification and to unite everyone on single decision. Tina’s point of view is also right that there is lack of financial expertise, and more people are required. Only two people are making decision for this company. The lack of financial expertise is reflected in the lack of expert human resource. The mind of decision maker must be fresh otherwise frustration can lead it up to wrong decision. The meeting was continued for five hours. Another meeting must be conducted to give

Monday, October 14, 2019

Value of Project Management Essay Example for Free

Value of Project Management Essay In the pursuit for effectively managing complex IT projects in a competitive wireless industry, the value of project management to Verizon enhances the brand identity through strategic management. The Verizon Wireless Corporation is the nation’s most dependable and reliable wireless network with the largest retail customers in the industry. The Verizon Wireless internal and external demographic is their customer base at 67. 2 million, fulltime employees at 69,000, and the annual revenue at $43. 9 billion. The success of Verizon Wireless offered the opportunity to have a joint-venture with Vodafone to expand the network and available services. Therefore, the need for a project management protocol for successful strategic measures empowered the Verizon stakeholder planned initiatives. The role of strategic planning to the Verizon organization is the proactive activity for RD strategies emphasizing the importance of technology and product-market decisions. The value of project management enhances the objectives of the strategic planning initiatives set forth to accomplishing the corporation goals. The strategy implementation from stakeholders offers the benefit to instill a direct assessment of strengths and weaknesses in the corporation (Hunger and Wheelen, 2007). Therefore, the utilization of strategic planning reinforces the primary outliers identified in the initial strategy assessment. The strategic planning provided the RD initiatives for new IT technology to make consumers wireless experience more efficient. The project management technical aspects offer the means to identify what tasks are needed to be delivered within the set timeframe and budget. The value of project management benefits Verizon Wireless to performing the necessary application, in which, to significantly improve the consistency of outcomes resembled what the organization anticipated. Furthermore, the emphasis on project management for Verizon is the security for adapting to the complex needs of an IT special project. The value of project management provided the integral parts necessary in the desired deliverable for a new updated LG Voyager phone. The project management satisfied the many and variety of tasks that meet specific and unique characteristics for manufacturing, sales, and marketing initiatives for a new phone with advanced technical capabilities. The project management value is managing each specific task and uniqueness with a specific deliverable that is aimed at meeting a specific need or purpose. The value of project management created the success of a temporary endeavor undertaken for the strategic planning of an updated product. Verizon Wireless success is the creativity and technology advancement to staying competitive in the market, in which, the strategic planning for utilizing project management methodology successfully organizes the project activities. These activities are in-depth and several departments in the organization assist the project management team by providing resources for a successful delivery of deliverables. Therefore, the true value comes into play when the market demand for newer technology drives the need for an updated product roll-out that the project management activities are required within the organization’s normal operational limits (PMBOK, 2004). The role of strategic planning structured the tasks centrally on improving the current state in the demanding market, customer brand identity and brand equity for Verizon Wireless. The strategic planning implementation empowers the principles of project management to provide value in each required tasks. Therefore, the strategic planning for manufacturing the advanced technology phone answers the market demand identified in RD at Verizon Wireless – that presents the project management framework in accomplishing the management approach. The Verizon Wireless strategic planning is an ongoing measure that continues the identification on certain initiatives needed in enhancing projects objectives. The overall concern for a successful strategic planning is the support from stakeholders at Verizon Wireless that coordinate with the project management team. The cooperative strategies are the means for gaining competitive advantages within the industry by all teams working together. The primary type of cooperative strategy is the strategic alliance, in which, the core objectives are mutually achieved and beneficial. Moreover, the project management value to the company Verizon created a synergy of resources within the organization that incorporated all skills and talents for a productive product deliverable. The alliance of the RD divisions with other departments intensified the strength of Verizon Wireless as well as limits the identified weaknesses to manufacture a new advanced cell phone. The Verizon Wireless RD intensity is a principal means of gaining the market share in a domestic and global competitive market share. Respectively, the RD business unit at Verizon exposed the technological competence and technology transfer to assure a successful capability to the strategic planning of innovation (Mantel, Meredith, Shafer, and Sutton, 2008). The underlying value of project management continuity of deliverables within a complex IT environment reinforces the Verizon Wireless strategic planning. The constant changing of consumers needs and desires for a productive, easy-friendly, and with many options product strengthen the notion for Verizon Wireless to apply a direct approach to the project. The strategic planning fundamental role is in securing the core aspects for infusing the company’s advantages into the market through project management for securing brand identity and brand equity.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Docter Faustus Essay -- essays research papers

The truth that ambition and desire for material objects does not always satisfy the soul is a major theme depicted in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus. The poem on page 93, lines 96-113 is the essence of this theme. It describes Faustus meeting, what he believes, is the icon of perfection. This perfection is a mere human women, yet, to Faustus, she is worth his life. Marlowe’s use of syntax and diction, allusions and references, and other literary devices throughout this monologue give support to the theme while adding rich symbolic images. The first example of diction in the monologue is the use of the saying, "the face that launched a thousand ships" (l. 96). This is a commonly applied expression when speaking about Helen of Troy. Throughout the play, Faustus fluctuates between the use of advanced and lesser vocabulary. Here, he is so shocked by Helen’s beauty that he knows nothing else but this typical phrase. This implies that Faustus is in a state of hypnosis. He is taken over by Helen’s beauty, and in the process, loses his soul. Another illustration of the trance Faustus is in, is by the use of alliteration in the first two lines of the poem. This device causes the reader to read the lines more slowly. The pronunciation of words in a moderate fashion suggests this trance, and makes the rest of the passage more comprehensible. In contrast to the first two lines, the rest of the section can be read more easily and therefore, faster. Few caesuras are utilized in this part, making the para graph flow better. The quick pace of the these lines indicate excitement on Faustus’ part. If this is the case, it is understandable how he loses his soul without resistance. The last line is brought back to a slower pace. The word "paramour" lends itself to a laggard pronunciation, which enforces Faustus’ realization that his soul has been taken. This is all due to Marlowe’s choice of words and sentence structure. Because the reader can experience Faustus’ state of mind through the writing, they can relate to the upcoming circumstances. Faustus’ excitement of the need for the material aspects of life, lead to his downfall. Allusions and references also add to the comprehension and depth of this piece. Many references are made to familiar Greek mythology characters, including Paris, Menelaus, Achilles, Jupiter, ... ...ted at as being a demon, their kiss makes him cursed. In the Catholic church, relations with a demon is unpardonable, and in turn kills any chance of Faustus being redeemed by G-d. Because he wanted Helen for her material beauty, he had to sacrifice his soul. When he finally does sacrifice his life to Helen he gives a brief cry for help. He underestimates the damage he has done and screams, "Her lips suck forth my soul. See where it flies" (l. 99)! He returns to her asking her to kiss him again, soon forgetting the damage he has done. This example of a litotie is contrasted with Faustus’ hyperbole of Helen’s magnificence. The juxtaposition of these concepts against each other prove that Faustus cared little for his spiritual body, and more for Helen – the material body. Marlowe’s use of strong literary devices in lines 96-113 on page 93 greatly supported the theme that only striving for material objects will only lead to harm. Faustus exemplified this theme in his Helen of Troy monologue, where he asked for her in return for his soul. In the end, Helen took Faustus’ soul, leaving him with neither, the material pleasures, nor a spiritually complete life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lasers :: essays research papers

The laser is one of the most advanced tools we have in our civilization. Lasers are powerful enough to cut through a thick piece of steel, yet can be used in medical surgery. Lasers are used in the army, for guns, for range finding and a whole lot more. Most people don't know where the idea of the laser came from. The idea for the laser came from a machine called a maser. The maser was a tool that was able to strengthen, or amplify radio and light waves. The first laser was made in California in 1960. It was built by Theodore Maiman along with a group of American scientists. The material they used for a concentrator was a man- made ruby. This was done by, coiling a simple flash tube around a rod, and beaming powerful flashes of light at it. The result was pulses of red laser light. Once they made the device they had to name it. They had think of some word or words to described it. They came up with Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Using the first letter of each main word they named it laser. The laser had everyone excited. The laser was put through many tests and experiments to see what it could do to help modern civilization. At first there weren't many uses for the laser. Then in the 1970's it became very important. It was finally being used in everyday life. As years went on the uses grew in number. Today lasers were being used in a variety of ways. This includes entertainment, military, communication, businesses, measurement, cutting, and more. Measurement: Lasers have become an important part of measurement. A laser is the fastest way to measure long distances. This use can be applied in construction work and astronomy. Cutting: A laser is also great for cutting objects. It can get to those hard to reach places by the use of mirrors to bend the beam of light. It also is strong enough to cut through solid steel. A laser never damages the surface of the object because it never touches it. Lasers have been used in both large and small surgical procedures. It is used by jewelers to cut diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, etc....It is also used in corporations in which cutting metal or fine cutting is involved. Communication: The way the laser is used in the field of communication is through fiber optics.

Friday, October 11, 2019

De recursos humanos

IntroductionA country de Recursos Humanos e uma country multidisciplinar onde, sua aspiracao maior e a de integrar percepcoes, sonhos vitamin E desejos. Quando nos referimos a integrar, estamos querendo esclarecer ao leigo que a country de Recursos Humanos nao e uma country que treina pessoas, que recruta que avalia que remunera, que contrata, a country de Recursos Humanos vitamin E muito mais que isto. O Treinamento e a educacao profissional que visa adaptar O homem ao trabalho em determinada empresa, preparando-o adequadamente parity o exercicio de um lading podendo ser aplicado a todos os niveis ou setores da empresa. O Desenvolvimento tem a finalidade de aperfeicoar as capacidades e motivacoes make empregados a fim de torna-los futuros membros valiosos district attorney organizacao. As organizacoes tem questionado a eficacia hyrax acoes de treinamento, buscando avaliar o retorno de seus investimentos nessa country. No entanto, o uso do treinamento e uma importante alternativa para a mudanca de atitudes, conhecimentos ou habilidades necessarias ao desempenho adequado do capital humano na empresa. Cabe a country de Recursos Humanos integrarem os desejos vitamin E as crencas Department of State executivos hyrax empresas ( e/ou Department of State donos ) , como tambem os desejos vitamin E vontades dos trabalhadores daquela empresa, parity tornar a empresa mais flexivel, feliz, saudavel vitamin E competitiva. Para tornar a empresa mais flexivel, feliz, saudavel vitamin E competitiva, as organizacoes do terceiro milenio se distinguirao atraves dos Recursos Humanos. E para tal eles deverao estar felizes, comprometidos vitamin E altamente preparados parity as frequentes mudancas que com certeza acontecerao. Umas das grandes countries que recebe a incumbencia de administrar este desafio e a country de Treinamento vitamin E Desenvolvimento. O desenvolvimento Department of State profissionais tornou-se uma premissa mundial parity quem deseja sobreviver & A ; agrave ; acirrada competitividade imposta pelo fenomeno district attorney Globalizacao. Hoje, no mercado, nao existe mais espaco parity organizacoes que ainda teimam mutton quad acreditar que o investimento no capital humano e perda de tempo e de investimento.TREINAMENTOJa faz pacing que a country de Recursos Humanos passou de um simples departamento de pessoal para um agente de transformacoes na organizacao, provocando mudancas e oferecendo sustentacao na pratica das mesmas. A empresa que opta pela vanguarda em gestao de pessoas certamente obtera resultados beneficos a sua SA & A ; uacute ; de organizacional, aumentando a produtividade, garantindo a sobrevivencia do negocio e propiciando satisfacao aos empregados. Para isso, as empresas contam com ferramentas de gestao capazes de fomentar resultados satisfatorios. A Gestao de Pessoas envolve treinamento vitamin E desenvolvimento pessoal, recrutamento vitamin E selecao, remuneracao por competencias e habilidades e sistemas de avaliacao. O treinamento envolve basicamente quatro etapas: a ) diagnostico ; B ) desenho do programa de treinamento ; degree Celsiuss ) aplicacao ou pratica ; e vitamin D ) avaliacao vitamin E acompanhamento.DiagnosticoO diagnostico visa levantar as necessidades ( carencias em termos de preparo profissional ) passadas, presentes ou futuras por intermedio de pesquisas internas, a fim de descrever o problema vitamin E prescrever uma intervencao. Envolve a coleta vitamin E o cruzamento de dados vitamin E informacoes, a definicao de pontos fortes e fracos vitamin E O detalhamento Department of State problemas por meio de uma analise aprofundada, visando identificar as suas lawsuit vitamin E definir acoes para os Pontuss passiveis de melhoria.Desenho do programa de treinamentoRefere-se ao planejamento hyrax acoes de treinamento a partir do diagnostico das necessidades. Este deve estar associado & A ; agrave ; s necessidades estrategicas district attorney organizacao. Envolve identificar O que fazer ( metas ) ; como ( estrategias ) ; e por que fazer ( objetivos ) . O programa de treinamento pode trabalhar com as habilidades reprodutivas ou produtivas. Na habilidade reprodutiva hour angle pouca variedade ou necessidade de mais aprendizagem depois do dominio basico, uma vez que Se constitui numa serie de acoes reprodutivas, que melhoram com O pacing e a pratica. Envolve agilidade, rapidez, precisao, discriminacao perceptiva. Os treinamentos podem ser realizados no proprio lading, quando O objetivo vitamin E ministrar informacao, experiencia vitamin E conhecimento relacionados & A ; agrave ; s atividades, ou em classe, quando utilizam a sala de aula. Existem muitos recursos pedagogicos, didaticos vitamin E instrucionais que podem ser utilizados como apoio ao treinamento. Destacam-se os recursos auditivos vitamin E audiovisuais, que envolvem gravacoes de sound, videoteipe, videocassete vitamin E multimeios ; recursos visuais, como slides, transparencias, fotos, desenhos, quadro de giz, imantografo, impudent chart, album seriado, cartazes ; teleconferencias ; comunicacoes eletronicas: electronic mail ; e tecnologia multimidia. Alem do apoio make recursos pedagogicos, a selecao de estrategias instrucionais vitamin E outro passo importante. Estas podem ser mescladas & A ; agrave ; s tecnicas individuais vitamin E grupais, dependendo district attorney situacao mutton quad questao. Dentre algumas tecnicas, podem ser utilizadas: seminarios, workshops, tecnicas de simulacao, estudo de caso, jogos, blare & A ; acirc ; micas de grupos e aulas expositivas. Seminarios: preparacao previa de um topico parity discussao, sendo que o instrutor vitamin E o responsavel por organizar as discussoes, levando O grupo a formular algumas conclusoes. Workshop: o instrutor apresenta informacoes e o grupo aplica as informacoes a uma situacao existent, sob a supervisao bash instrutor, aplicando-se ao desenvolvimento de habilidades cognitivas, psicomotoras e afetivas. Tecnicas de Simulacao: O comportamento a ser exibido apos a aprendizagem deve ser praticado adequadamente Durante o processo de instrucao por meio de atividades praticas. A simulacao pode ser de dominio cognitivo, quando envolve a tarefa de solucao de problemas de planejamento de estrategias ou de tomada de decisoes ; de dominio psicomotor, que apresenta como vantagens a eliminacao Department of State perigos do treinamento em servico. Estudo de caso: vitamin E uma forma de simulacao voltada para o fornecimento de oportunidades de participacao no mesmo tipo de processo decisorio que O trabalho futuro exigira. Os dados podem ser extraidos de casos reais, inventados ou adaptados. Existem aqui Department of the Interior Pontus importantes a ser considerados: a ) evitar pensar numa & A ; uacute ; nica solucao ideal, pois & A ; agrave ; s vezes nao existe solucao ideal, apenas aspectos positivos vitamin E negativos de cada solucao possivel ; B ) analisar as decisoes e o processo que foi seguido para toma-las. Jogos: simula a realidade vitamin E envolve a competicao entre individuos, a fim de aumentar o interesse e a motivacao entre os participantes. Din & A ; acirc ; micas de grupo: utilizam a interacao entre os membros dos grupos como chief meio de ensino. Envolve tecnicas que promovem a solucao criativa de problemas complexos vitamin E tecnicas que estimulam a autoanalise vitamin E o aumento district attorney sensibilidade. Aulas expositivas: o treinador apresenta as informacoes, enquanto os treinados adotam uma postura mais passiva, predominantemente como ouvintes. A vantagem vitamin E que se consegue transmitir uma grande quantidade de informacoes num curto espaco de tempo. A chief desvantagem vitamin E que as aulas podem se tornar cansativas, prejudicando o grau de absorcao dos conte & A ; uacute ; Department of State.Aplicacao ou PraticaA aplicacao ou pratica depende de alguns fatores, tais como: adequacao do programa de treinamento & A ; agrave ; s necessidades da organizacao vitamin E dos treinados ; qualidade do stuff de treinamento apresentado ; cooperacao make gestores e dirigentes da empresa ; motivacao do treinando para aprender ; capacidade de aprendizagem do treinando ; aplicacao pratica e pacing de assimilacao do que foi aprendido ; elaboracao do stuff de treinamento, o qual deve ser significativo, ou seja, os metodos devem ser variados, inovadores e transferiveis para o trabalho.Avaliacao vitamin E AcompanhamentoTrata-se district attorney etapa concluding do processo de treinamento. Avalia-se, aqui, se o treinamento atingiu os objetivos, se atendeu & A ; agrave ; s necessidades da organizacao vitamin E hyraxs pessoas envolvidas, se houve retorno do investimento, Se as pessoas envolvidas se comprometeram vitamin E estao aplicando O aprendizado, se a produtividade aumentou vitamin E se o clima organizacional melhorou. A avaliacao pode ser feita de diversas formas: Avaliacao de reacoes: grau de percepcao do treinando em relacao ao conte & A ; uacute ; make make treinamento, metodologia adotada, atuacao do instrutor, carga horaria, material instrucional, aplicabilidade etc. Avaliacao de aprendizagem: novos conhecimentos ( testes objetivos ou com questoes abertas ) , aprimoramento de habilidades ( provas praticas ) vitamin E desenvolvimento de atitudes ( tecnicas de observacao direta, dramatizacao, escalas de atitudes e car relatorios ) . Avaliacao do comportamento no lading: amostragem de atividades: registro district attorney observacao do comportamento make treinando no trabalho ; diario de observador: o observador faz anotacoes sobre o treinando ; Auto diario: O formulario vitamin E preenchido pelo proprio treinando, sem a presenca do observador. Entrevistas e questionarios: sao feitas perguntas aos treinados referentes ao seu comportamento ou a seus superiores. Avaliacao do resultado: busca verificar mutton quad que grau O treinamento provocou as mudancas pretendidas pela organizacao. A avaliacao pode ser realizada mutton quad um prazo de 45 Diass apos a execucao do treinamento. A criacao de um clima interno favoravel ao treinamento, propiciando oportunidades para colocar mutton quad pratica O que Se aprendeu, e o comprometimento district attorney alta administracao sao fundamentais parity O sucesso do treinamento.DESENVOLVIMENTO DE PESSOASFocada na identificacao das blanks e definicao de acoes que permitam melhorar a capacitacao vitamin E o desempenho hyrax pessoas. Inclui processos de desenvolvimento como: Modelo de Competencia, Assessment, Coaching, Gestao de Desempenho, Planejamento de Carreira vitamin E Sucessao. Alem disso, inclui Programas de Educacao Corporativa voltados parity capacitacao Department of State profissionais. O desenvolvimento de pessoas tem Department of the Interior modos, Desenvolvimento de processos, e de Educacao Corporativa. Desenvolvimento de Processos visa os modelos de competencia que vitamin E uma ferramenta que parity as empresas ajudam muito, pois possibilita O alinhamento district attorney gestao Department of State recursos humanos cabal com a estrategia de negocios. Mostra claramente O que deve ser feita parity o alcance de patamares superiores de desempenho. Integram os processos de planejamento, avaliacao, selecao, desenvolvimento, remuneracao vitamin E district attorney carreira de seus funcionarios. Gestao de desempenho visa claramente o planejamento de avaliar o desempenho de forma criteriosa, juntamente com o processo de decisoes em relacao de treinamento e desenvolvimento, compensacao, promocoes, transferencias ou Ate mesmo desligamentos dentro district attorney organizacao, e atualizando o painel de funcionarios com recrutamento vitamin E selecao. Carreiras vitamin E Sucessoes e um sistema que visa complementar vitamin E ampliar a contribuicao Department of State funcionarios e conseguir capacitar cada vez mais pessoas e reter talentos dentro district attorney propria organizacao, e orienta a formacao Delaware lideres, focando uma estrategia de mercado a medio vitamin E longo prazo. Gestao district attorney relacao com O cliente Um processo que visa alavancar os resultados, superar as expectativas Department of State clientes e que possa contribuir com sua fidelidade. [ Fazem pesquisas de satisfacao do cliente, planejando estrategias competitivas na empresa parity forcar um perfil ideal focando mutton quad sua mudanca comportamental, alem de integrar o sistema de gestao ] ao de desempenho. Desenvolvimento de competencias: Um dos recursos que as empresas podem fazer parity desenvolver competencias sao os spreads, que identifica & A ; agrave ; s competencias requeridas. Ajuda no investimento de treinamentos e desenvolvimentos e orienta O autodesenvolvimento, visando & A ; agrave ; geracao de resultados superiores e uma sustentacao ao longo pacing. Desenvolvimento de Educacao Corporativa Uma das ferramentas que as organizacoes usam sao os Workshop, que vitamin E uma ferramenta que visa preparar seus gestores para o uso do instrumental disponivel de gestao de desempenho sob uma perspectiva estrategica, orientada parity resultados vitamin E parity desenvolvimento single, os participantes irao aprender a redigir objetivos mensuraveis, contratar, acompanhar desempenho vitamin E dar opiniao, comprometendo subordinados com O seu autodesenvolvimento. Desenvolvimento de equipes e muito importante dentro da organizacao parity que os gestores e os profissionais intendam a import & A ; acirc ; ncia de uma equipe eficaz, assim percebendo as distracoes e dispersoes que ocorrem em grupos de trabalho. Identificando as diferencas caracteristicas de contribuicao e os compromissos de continuidade e de motivacao das equipes, e como podemos fazer isso parity que isso se transforme mutton quad um Plano de acao podendo participar de processos de criacao etc. Ajudar aqueles funcionarios que tenha mais dificuldade de comunicacao e influencia, o gestor ao conhecer as caracteristicas de cada pessoa, e mais facil de conseguir a clareza, objetividade e ideias de cada funcionario, assim resultando mutton quad colocacoes mais oportunas que asseguram fluidez nos processos de comunicacao interpessoal. Um Department of State processos de treinamento e desenvolvimento que as empresas estao cada vez utilizando vitamin E processo de Universidade Corporativa.UNIVERSIDADE CORPORATIVAâ€Å" A Universidade â€Å" Corporativa preocupa-se nao somente com O fator â€Å" qualificar † vitamin E † capacitar † , mas tambem com a apresentacao de uma maneira totalmente inovada de pensar e trabalhar, parity que todos os colaboradores das organizacoes possam desempenhar papeis muito mais amplos no ambiente de trabalho.ObjetivoDesenvolvimento vitamin E Progresso de meios de alavancar novas oportunidadesIngressar em novos mercados globais.Designar relacionamentos mais profundos com os clientes.Incentivar a organizacao parity um novo futuro.FuncaoOrganizar as pessoas parity um novo contexto organizacional, caracterizado por mudancas constantes e alta competitividade que vem se destacando nestes tempos atuais.Import & A ; acirc ; nciaO aperfeicoamento e a expansao do direcionamento para os valores e a cultura desejados hyrax organizacoes.A concepcao de talentos, completando com que a empresa torne-se uma rede de exportacao de talentos, enquanto os demais serao importadores de talento. A vantagem esta no fato de que sendo um gerador de talentos a empresa ficara sempre & A ; agrave ; frente daqueles que os importam.Aumento do heroism district attorney organizacao parity os seus clientes e seus acionistas pela ascensao na capacidade das pessoas.Desenvolvimento nas pessoas na capacidade de aprender a aprender.Negociar a capacidade de trabalho em equipe e o mais importante, de liderar.O crescimento district attorney aptidao de autogerenciamento das pessoas, promovendo por meio district attorney Universidade Corporativa o alinhamento dos objetivos pessoais vitamin E com os objetivos district attorney empresa.CaracteristicasSao pro-ativas, com suas acoes completamente voltadas ao ambiente de negocio de cada organizacao.Atuam no desenvolvimento de competencias essenci ais.Sao inovadoras nas formas de entrega do conhecimento.Tem como premissa a disseminacao do conhecimento â€Å" em qualquer momento, em qualquer lugar † .Atuam no desenvolvimento e no gerenciamento de ferramentas que propiciem de forma intensa a captacao do conhecimento presente na organizacao ( atraves de seus profissionais, clientes, fornecedores e comunidade ) vitamin E sua adequada disseminacao parity facil utilizacao, sempre que necessario.Tem P & A ; uacute ; blico-alvo amplo, nao se restringindo ao P & A ; uacute ; blico interno, mas entendendo que o conhecimento vitamin E desenvolvido vitamin E utilizado por toda a rede de profissionais que envolvem cada organizacao.Procuram acompanhar a utilizacao pratica do conhecimento, ou seja, a transformacao do conhecimento em vantagem competitiva, gerando capital intelectual parity as organizacoes.Desafios vitamin E DificuldadesA alteracao district attorney mentalidade district attorney cultura das pessoas.O estudo com os prof issionais que possuem experiencia mutton quad UC ( universidade coorporativa )Verificacao do programa make beneficios.O comprometimento de Toda as gerencias de primeiro nivel district attorney empresa.A definicao vitamin E O desenvolvimento do modelo de gestao que sera utilizado nessa iniciativa.A procura de desenvolvimento das parcerias.Avaliacao Department of State resultados.Periodo de criacao de novos produtos.Os Plano de Marketing vitamin E de Comunicacao parity alavancar a imagem district attorney empresa.O exercicio vitamin E treinamento district attorney equipe de facilitadores.Ausencia district attorney compreensao do que venha a ser a Universidade Corporativa.BeneficiosA Universidade Coorporativa permite O envolvimento entire das pessoas que compoem as organizacoes nas empresas no & A ; acirc ; mbito interno vitamin E externo, possibilitando O conhecimento district attorney organizacao, cultura, tradicoes, projeto, qualidade, resultando num envolvimento muito maior com O n egocio vitamin E os objetivos.A IMPORTANCIA DA UNIVERSIDADE CORPORATIVA NO CENARIO ATUAL.Em ambiente de negocios marcado pela constante necessidade de inovacao, agilidade, flexibilidade, competitividade, diferenciacao frente a concorrentes, em que O conhecimento necessario aos profissionais muda cada vez mais rapido, em que a pratica de uma gestao competitiva vitamin E cardinal, faz-se necessario desenvolver ferramentas de geracao, disseminacao, aplicacao vitamin E comprovacao do conhecimento cada vez mais focado no â€Å" negocio e estrategia † de cada organizacao. As countries de treinamento enfrentam dificuldades para atender essa demanda, por configurarem suas acoes de maneira reativa, voltadas ao P & A ; uacute ; blico interno vitamin E ao desenvolvimento de habilidades e pouco inovadoras com relacao & A ; agrave ; s formas de disseminacao e gerenciamento do conhecimento. Frente a essa demanda foram surgindo, mais intensivamente nos & A ; uacute ; ltimos Fatah Revolutionary Councils, as universidades corporativas. Um conceito ainda recente no Brasil, essas universidades instaladas ( fisica ou virtualmente ) sodium organizacoes apresentam algumas caracteristicas especificas parity atender as necessidades citadas, que as diferenciam de countries de treinamento vitamin E desenvolvimento ( T & A ; D ) : sao proativas, com suas acoes que tem a finalidade parity melhorar O ambiente dos negocios de uma organizacao ; atuam no desenvolvimento de competencias essenciais, sao maneiras de inovar a entrega do conhecimento ; tem como a sua chief vantagem O aumento do conhecimento diversos momentos ; que participam na capacitacao make desenvolvimento e gerenciamento hyraxs diversas ferramentas que propiciem de forma intensa O aprendizado do conhecimento presente na organizacao vitamin E com a correta maneira de disseminar parity facil utilizacao ; tem p & amp ; uacute ; blico dirigido, nao se limitando ao P & A ; uacute ; blico interno, mas proporcionando que O conhecimento seja desenvolvido vitamin E utiliz ado pela totalidade district attorney rede de profissionais que envolvem cada organizacao ; e, finalmente, buscam seguir a utilizacao district attorney pratica do conhecimento, ou seja, a mudanca do conhecimento em vantagem competitiva, gerando capital intelectual parity as organizacoes. Alem disso, as universidades corporativas, por contarem com um P & A ; uacute ; blico mais amplo vitamin E com acoes mais bem dimensionadas, representam nao um centro de custo parity a organizacao, mas sim uma reducao de custos nos programas de educacao continuada, um entendimento de que devem ser autossustentaveis, e uma visao, ja presente em algumas organizacoes, de que devem ser um centro de lucro. Essas universidades nao visam a substituir ou disputar espaco com as universidades tradicionais. Pelo contrario, elas sao complementares na medida mutton quad que a universidade tradicional fornece toda a formacao conceitual vitamin E metodologica aos profissionais, enquanto a corporativa oportuniza formacao focada no ambiente de negocios, desenvolvendo, pelo mapeamento de â€Å" trilhas de capacitacao † , o aprimoramento nas competencias essenciais ou criticas de cada organizacao. Sao fortes as possibilidades e os casos de sucesso de aliancas estabelecidas entre as universidades corporativas vitamin E as universidades tradicionais, visando & A ; agrave ; formacao district attorney rede de trabalho district attorney organizacao ou levando isso & A ; agrave ; comunidade, capacitando vitamin E aumentando a empregabilidade de profissionais. Alem disso, as universidades corporativas tem um papel muito forte no desenvolvimento vitamin E disseminacao district attorney cultura de cada organizacao, sendo focado mutton quad resultados corporativos, presente em todas as countries e alcancando todos os profissionais envolvidos em cada processo. Sao grandes os desafios na criacao de uma universidade corporativa, mas sao m & A ; uacute ; ltiplos os beneficios, pois, alem de vantagem competitiva, desenvolve fortemente a capacitacao Department of State profissionais, o entendimento make negocio, as formas de comunicacao, a capacidade de aprender e de compartilhar e o desenvolvimento district attorney cultura organizacional, representando uma acao sistemica, voltada & A ; agrave ; s necessidades impostas pela globalizacao vitamin E complexidade do atual ambiente de negocios. Na pratica, a Universidade Corporativa oferece aos colaboradores cursos presenciais vitamin E on-line, workshops, congressos vitamin E seminarios, alem de muitas outras atividades de desenvolvimento. e bom destacar que Toda essa estrutura de educacao corporativa tem como base O mapeamento hyrax competencias que atendem & A ; agrave ; s necessidades da organizacao. E como nao poderia ser diferente, a selecao hyrax acoes educacionais e realizado de forma bem estruturada e dela participam os gestores, os consultores internos de RH, os especialistas internos de educacao e os proprios funcionarios da companhia. Esse trabalho mutton quad conjunto resulta, por exemplo, na elaboracao de Planos de Desenvolvimento de Equipes, que levam mutton quad consideracao as reais oportunidades, necessidades e prioridades de desenvolvimento dentro district attorney empresa. Umas das empresas que demonstra um investimento alto no processo de Universidade Corporativa vitamin E Ambev.AMBEVSer a â€Å" Melhor Empresa de Bebidas do Mundo em um Mundo Melhor † . Esta e a missao district attorney AmBev, empresa de capital aberto, sediada mutton quad Sao Paulo, no Brasil, com operacoes em 14 paises das Americas ( Argentina, Brasil, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, El Salvador, Equador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguai, Peru, Rep & A ; uacute ; blica Dominicana, Uruguai e Venezuela ) . Dona de um portfolio de â€Å" estrelas † como Antarctica, Brahma, Bohemia, Skol, Original, Stella Artois ; o refrigerante Guarana Antarctica, Soda, Pepsi vitamin E Sukita, alem hyrax inovacoes H2OH! vitamin E Guarah! a AmBev vitamin E lider no superior hyrax cervejarias na America Latina. Reconhecida como uma hyrax melhores empresas para Se trabalhar, a AmBev tem em seus 39 mil funcionarios – 23 mil so no Brasil – sua maior fortaleza. Por isso, investem continuamente no desenvolvimento vitamin E sucesso de sua Gente, que vitamin E incentivada a se sentir Dona district attorney companhia vitamin E pensar grande. Pioneira, desenvolve o Programa AmBev de Consumo Responsavel ha sete Fatah Revolutionary Councils, fazendo campanhas de conscientizacao sobre o uso indevido do alcool norteado pelas premissas district attorney Organizacao Mundial da Sa & A ; uacute ; de ( OMS ) . Sua reconhecida excelencia mutton quad gestao gera retorno aos seus acionistas e garante atuacao sustentavel. Em 2008, atingiu volume de vendas de 146,9 milhoes de hectolitros de bebidas e receita liquida de R $ 20,9 bilhoes. No mesmo Fatah Revolutionary Council, destinou R $ 206 milhoes para acoes socioambientais. Entre os principais resultados estao: sete unidades fabris ja operam com geracao de energia por meio de biomassa e reducao de 23 % no consumo de agua nos & A ; uacute ; ltimos seis Fatah Revolutionary Councils. Uma prova de que e possivel aliar crescimento & A ; agrave ; sustentabilidade.Oportunidades de CrescerOportunidades de Crescer A AmBev tem um Plano de gestao de carreiro chamado Ciclo de Gente, cujo objetivo vitamin E avaliar, desenvolver e nortear O crescimento pessoal e profissional district attorney Gente AmBev. Ele rhenium & A ; uacute ; ne ferramentas de avaliacao de competencias de 100 % Department of State profissionais, acompanhamento de desempenho e opiniao. Com avaliacoes make resultados hyraxs metas do ano anterior vitamin E make desempenho make funcionario, e avaliacao 360 & A ; deg ; para as liderancas, sao identificadas blanks para o desenvolvimento de cada um. Anualmente sao realizadas reunioes de alinhamento de cada uma hyraxs countries da Companhia, sempre acompanhadas e orientadas pela country de Gente & A ; Gestao. Sao as chamadas Reunioes de Gente, na qual liderancas vitamin E gestores se rhenium & A ; uacute ; nem para discutir perspectivas de carreira, planos de sucessao, treinamento e desenvolvimento de suas equipes. Depois hyrax avaliacoes e do feedback, funcionario vitamin E gestor tracam um Plano de Desenvolvimento Individual, preparado parity ser executado mutton quad um Fatah Revolutionary Council, com acoes que incluem cursos, treinamentos, benchmarking, entre outras atividades. Para cumprir esse Plano, o funcionario recebe suporte district attorney Companhia vitamin E district attorney Universidade AmBev. Conheca os tipos de suporte oferecidos pela AmBev:Universidade AmBevA Universidade AmBev ( UA ) elabora modulos capazes de formar as pessoas que estao ingressando na Companhia, prepara as que serao promovidas, district attorney suporte aos processos district attorney empresa vitamin E assegura a sustentabilidade do negocio. Suas atividades se estendem a Toda as unidades vitamin E niveis organizacionais, por meio de cursos e treinamentos externos vitamin E in Company. Os cursos sao presenciais ou por meio de ferramentas como e-learning ( UA online ) vitamin E televisao corporativa ( TV AmBev ) , divididos mutton quad cinco eixos tematicos que atendem a Toda as funcoes e niveis hierarquicos. Os funcionarios contam ainda com reembolso de ate 70 % do custo mensal de cursos de graduacao e pos-graduacao, e de 100 % , parity cursos tecnicos.Programa de Capacitacao GerencialPara preparar gerentes para posicoes de primeira linha, e aplicado o Programa de Capacitacao Gerencial ( PCG ) , que tem como diferencial a identificacao Department of State sucessores nas Reunioes de Gente e a antecipacao de seu treinamento. Desta forma, preparamos nossos futuros gestores antes mesmo district attorney demanda existir.Television AmBevPara treinamentos vitamin E divulgacao de assuntos district attorney Companhia, como lancamentos de campanhas e de produtos, ha a Television AmBev, transmitida via satelite, que tem as funcoes de veiculo de comunicacao e de transmissao de conhecimento. Um telejornal tambem vitamin E exibido semanalmente parity todos os P & A ; uacute ; blicos, em todas as unidades.MBA AmBevA Companhia tambem oferece O MBA AmBev, em parceria com o Business School Sao Paulo ( BSP ) , que tem como objetivo dar aos executivos uma visao geral do negocio AmBev, competencias de lideranca, alem de acesso & A ; agrave ; s ferramentas de gerenciamento vitamin E & A ; agrave ; s melhores praticas do mercado.Aprendizado de IdiomasPara a capacitacao vitamin E aprendizado de idiomas, a AmBev oferece bolsas de estudos parciais em cursos presenciais vitamin E via e-learning.7-TREINAMENTO X MOTIVACO -AMBEVDavies ( 1976, p.27 ) diz: â€Å" Administrar um programa de treinamento e um processo extremamente complexo. O ciclo district attorney administracao, contudo, e realmente muito simples e consiste de quatro atividades distintas: planejamento, organizacao, direcao vitamin E controle. Um administrador de treinamento planeja quando decidem quais sao os objetivos de ensino a serem alcancados. A organizacao envolve O arranjo e a alocacao de recursos que tem disponiveis, tanto fisicos como humanos, de modo a melhor realizar os seus objetivos. Dirigir e uma qualidade pessoal, – Revolutionary People's Struggle esta relacionada tanto com a motivacao vitamin E encorajamento como a influencia sobre os alunos parity os quais os objetivos de ensino sao mais faceis de atingidos. Um administrador de treinamento controla, quando ele tomando mutton quad atencao O que criou determina Se, na verdade, a sua organizacao vitamin E atividades de direcao estao realizando os objetivos de ensino aceitos. O & A ; uacute ; nico c riterio parity medir a eficacia de um programa de treinamento e o n & A ; uacute ; mero make objetivos de ensino atingidos com sucesso de modo motivado † . Como exemplo de empresa que adquire O treinamento como ferramenta de trabalho, podemos citar a Ambev, que Irish Republican Army investir R $ 20 milhoes em treinamento vitamin E aprimoramento de seus colaboradores em 2010. vitamin E maior ind & A ; uacute ; stria brasileira de bebidas, a Ambev possui no seu portfolio de produtos cervejas, refrigerantes, isotonicos, chas vitamin E Bufo marinus. Entre as marcas que comercializa destacam-se Brahma, Skol, Antarctica, Bohemia, Guarana Antarctica, Pepsi, Lipton Ice Tea vitamin E Gatorade. No Brasil, a Companhia atende um milhao de pontos-de-venda vitamin E possui 33 fabricas de bebidas. A Companhia, que esta presente em todas as Americas, possui O maior banco genetico de guarana do mundo, localizado na Fazenda Santa Helena, mutton quad Maues ( AM ) . O heroism investido mutton quad treinamento sera de 25 % superior ao investido pela companhia no Fatah Revolutionary Council lunge. A empresa conta com sua Universidade, Ambev, que integra todos os programas de treinamento district attorney companhia, dos funcionarios das fabricas ao presidente. No & amp ; uacute ; ltimo Fatah Revolutionary Council, foram treinadas 31 mil pessoas, somando mais de 39 mil horas de cursos. Desde sua inauguracao, ha 15 Fatah Revolutionary Councils, a Universidade Ambev ja recebeu mais de R $ 150 milhoes de investimento. A empresa recruta vitamin E mantem os melhores talentos. Oferece oportunidades de educacao no Brasil e no outside, alem de treinamentos especificos para cada tipo de funcao. A Companhia entende que capacitar pessoas vitamin E uma contribuicao essencial parity a formacao de cidadaos vitamin E parity O desenvolvimento societal do pais. A Companhia oferece O programa Universidade Ambev, que promove O aperfeicoamento de seus funcionarios e distribuidores por meio de treinamentos presenciais e ferramentas como e-learning vitamin E televisao corporativa. Seus funcionarios tambem contam com reembolso built-in parity custear cursos tecnicos vitamin E parciais parity cursos de graduacao e pos-graduacao. A empresa tambem investe vitamin E prepara os futuros gestores da Companhia atraves do Programa de Capacitacao Gerencial. Gerentes e outros executivos participam de programas de treinamento tecnico e gerencial sodiums principais universidades do Brasil, dos Estados Unidos vitamin E district attorney Europa. A Ambev vitamin E uma ferramenta de comunicacao, capaz de interligar as operacoes de norte a sul do Pais e atingir cerca de 20 mil pessoas. Sua televisao corporativa existente desde 1998, contava com um canal que epoch utilizado como ferramenta de treinamento para forca de vendas propria e revendedores da Companhia. A Television Ambev vitamin E uma iniciativa district attorney Comunicacao Interna Corporativa district attorney empresa, que tem como missao motivar os funcionarios com seu treinamento vitamin E fazer com que eles tenham orgulho district attorney Companhia. A empresa tem como planejamento um alto investimento no treinamento de seus funcionarios, neste Fatah Revolutionary Council de 2010. Serao investido 20 milhoes de reais no aprendizado e na busca district attorney capacitacao do pessoal, dos funcionarios das fabricas ao presidente – 25 % a mais do que o investimento mutton quad 2009. Na empresa, o aperfeicoamento Department of State colaboradores e um assunto muito importante. Um dos Pontus focados esse Fatah Revolutionary Council nos cursos de treinamento e desenvolvimento district attorney lideranca vitamin E district attorney equipe de engenharia e o treinamento district attorney competencia analitica. Isso por que a Ambev quer melhorar vitamin E aumentar o percentual de acerto nos projetos realizados. Um gesto de que a Ambev esta obcecadapela eficiencia operacional vitamin E pelo desempenhofinanceiro, foi O entendimento que as pessoas trabalham por algo maior do que uma gratificacao excess mutton quad dinheiro. e isso que as mantem e aumentam a motivacao vitamin E o desempenho ao longo do pacings, independentemente do cenario externo.CONCLUSaOConcluimos que, treinamento refere-se ao conjunto de experiencias de aprendizagem centradas na posicao atual district attorney organizacao. Trata-se, portanto, de um processo educacional de curto prazo e que envolve todas as acoes que visam deliberadamente ampliar a capacidade hyrax pessoas parity desempenhar melhor as atividades relacionadas ao lading que ocupam na empresa. Ja o desenvolvimento vitamin E dito como um conjunto de experiencias e de aprendizagem que nao necessariamente sao relacionadas aos lading que as pessoas ocupam atualmente, mas que proporcionam oportunidades para O crescimento vitamin E desenvolvimento profissional. Difer ente do treinamento que vitamin E orientado parity O presente, o desenvolvimento de pessoas focaliza os cargos a serem ocupados futuramente na organizacao e os conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes que serao requeridas por seus ocupantes. Desta forma, as acoes voltadas ao desenvolvimento envolvem um compromisso maior com a capacitacao hyrax pessoas. O estudo do conjunto de atividades que visa formar a qualificacao hyrax pessoas nas empresas vitamin E imprescindivel parity reforcar seu diferencial competitivo, em exceptional no longo prazo, permitindo as empresas mais competencia estrategica. Ao tracar O perfil de acoes comuns. Determinada categoria organizacional busca-se melhor compreensao hyrax praticas aceitas bem como as deficiencias ou Pontus de melhoria, permitindo redirecionamentos. O controle vitamin E medicoes de resultado de treinamento ainda sao basicos na maioria. Nota-se a necessidade de mais atuacao estrategica e voltada parity as competencias centrais hyrax empresas. Cabe entao um alerta & A ; agrave ; busca por formacao estrategica em todos os niveis, desde as funcoes operacionais & A ; agrave ; s gerenciais, deve & amp ; agrave ; empresa reforcar comportamentos inerentes a sua postura competitiva, valores e creeds que pertencem & A ; agrave ; cultura organizacional. Desde que O homem compreendeu que poderia racionalizar O trabalho Department of State funcionarios, tornando eficiente seu desempenho, teorias presentes nas escolas classicas e cientificas district attorney administracao, a atividade de treinamento comecou ter mais atencao. Porem, mesmo com Toda evolucao percebida desde Thai praticas, as acoes realizadas pela maioria das empresas ainda tem loud carater de melhoria district attorney produtividade. Acreditamos que uma hyrax grandes preocupacoes que as organizacoes enfrentam e o de como manter os â€Å" talentos humanos † , uma vez que eles atingem um alto grau de empregabilidade, por meio da elevacao da capacitacao vitamin E district attorney public presentation profissional. A empresa apresentara funcionarios capacitados, deixando-os mais adequados & A ; agrave ; realidade do mercado. Assim, o aumento district attorney pressao pela procura Department of State profissionais altamente capacitados aumenta, obrigando, necessariamente, que Toda as empresas elevem seu grau de empregabilidade, ou seja, retendo seus talentos. Podemos desta forma, entender que tanto as necessidades atuais como as futuras district attorney organizacao devem ser foco do planejamento de Treinamento vitamin E Desenvolvimento, vitamin E principalmente o exemplo de Ambev, o investimento mutton quad Universidade Corporativa uma vez que O contexto organizacional, e o mercado exigem uma postura eficaz na apresentacao de qualificacao das pessoas para este cenario. Desta forma, cabe & A ; agrave ; s empresas, liderancas earea de Treinamento vitamin E Desenvolvimento facilitaremparaque a empresas vitamin E colaboradores saia beneficiados, o aprendizado eo maior tesouro que podemos adquirir.REFEReNCIAS BIBLIOGRaFICASChiavenato, Idalberto. Administracao de Recursos Humanos 7 & A ; deg ; edicaoChiavenato, Idalberto. Treinamento e Desenvolvimento 7 & A ; deg ; edicao.Chiavenato, Idalberto. Gestao de Pessoas 3 & A ; deg ; edicao.III Wagner A. John, HollenBeck John. Comportamento Organizacional-Criando Vantagem Competitiva.Anuario district attorney Universidade Ambev 2009 – Ambev.Site.